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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Something about the Terminal...!!!!

In this section, I will explain about the terminal. We can categorize the term TERMINAL into two
1. Hardware Level
2. Software Level

First we will talk about terminals at Hardware Level.
Q:  What is Terminal ?
A:  Terminal is a machine in a network. It can also be called as a node or system or Computer.

Q: What are the types of Terminals ?
A: There are basically 3 types of terminals
1: Thin Clients
2: Dumb Terminals
3: Thick Clients

Q: What is Thin Client ?
A:  Thin Clients are the terminals which are not having their own storage.
They depend upon the shared storage in a network. They are Provided with
GUI-Graphical User Interface

Q:  What are DUMB Terminals ?
A:  Dumb Terminals are the nodes which are not having their memory.
They are just having a distributed OS and only a keyboard and a monitor.  

Now we will talk about terminals at Software Level.

Q:  So what is a terminal ?
A:   Terminal is a software, which provide Command Line Interface (CLI) to a user to operate the system.

Q: Still I didn't get it... Please explain it.
A:  Ok. You might be familiar with the Command Prompt or CMD in WINDOWS systems. Same way there is a inbuilt software called as Terminal in Linux Systems.


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